You donwloaded an semingly friendly asistent for your PC, tourns out its a virus now you have to protect your files from chonker chomper.


Mouse - Click and Drag

Click the button in the upper right to generate items, then drag them onto the Scanner Scales. The more the bar is filled, the stronger the effect so make sure to time your items carefully.

You'll also need to clear Error Warnings before the "Chonker Chomper" virus can feed on them.

If you can protect your important files long enough, the scan will remove the virus. Can you hold out until then?

Good luck and have fun!

we would love to hear from you in the comments, a rating is also appreciated.

Created by:


Käthe Weiler
Viktor Sabe
Arne Kemper


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i'd rather play as chomper >:D

he is very cute!

but the game is fun!!!